An Exclusive Gift idea for Newborn Child
So you had a child recently? Congrats! You must be showering so many gifts and love on your newborn child. Here is an exclusive gift idea for him/her.
The gift idea

Create a new Gmail account in her name. Now write regular emails to her. Talk to her about your and your spouse’s feelings. How your life has changed after she was born? Who came to see her In the maternity ward. How she is growing up?
Post pictures of her in the cot, with her mom, with granny, and other relatives.
Sounds silly? It’s not!
You can tell the password and access details of this account to your child when she grows up. Imagine her pleasure when she reads about your feelings and experiences when she was very young. She will absolutely love seeing her pictures at different stages of growing up.
This can be the absolute best gift for her. She will cherish this for life! Naturally, she can continue to use this account for her studies and work when she grows up older.
Gift her a domain name
You can also book a domain name that matches her name. This can be a bit challenging as all popular names are gone. However, if you can lay your hands on a matching domain name, she will find it very useful to post her thoughts and notes about her interests, hobbies and creative pursuits. She can also create her CV on this site when she is looking for a job. Frankly, this involves a recurring cost. So you may go for this idea after careful consideration. I have domains in both my children’s names and am very happy I did that.